North Dakota Century Code

Title 15


Chapter Section Listing Chapter Name
15-01 (PDF) 15-01 Sections Board of University and School Lands
15-02 (PDF) 15-02 Sections Commissioner of University and School Lands
15-03 (PDF) 15-03 Sections Investment of Funds
15-04 (PDF) 15-04 Sections Leases of Original Grant Lands for Agricultural Purposes
15-05 (PDF) 15-05 Sections Leasing Coal, Oil, Gas, and Other Rights
15-06 (PDF) 15-06 Sections Sale of Original Grant Lands
15-07 (PDF) 15-07 Sections Sale and Lease of Nongrant Lands
15-08 (PDF) 15-08 Sections Provisions Relating to Original Grant and to Nongrant Lands
15-08.1 (PDF) 15-08.1 Sections Transfer of Possessory Interests in Realty
15-08.2 (PDF) NA Transfer of Possessory Interests in Sovereign Lands [Repealed]
15-09 (PDF) 15-09 Sections Condemnation of Public Lands and Sales in Lieu Thereof
15-10 (PDF) 15-10 Sections The State Board of Higher Education
15-10.1 (PDF) 15-10.1 Sections Reciprocal Higher Education Agreements
15-10.2 (PDF) NA Midwestern Regional Higher Education Compact [Repealed]
15-10.3 (PDF) 15-10.3 Sections Student Fees
15-10.4 (PDF) 15-10.4 Sections Campus Free Speech Policy
15-10.5 (PDF) 15-10.5 Sections Midwestern Regional Higher Education Compact
15-10.6 (PDF) 15-10.6 Sections Athletic Team Participant Designation
15-10.7 (PDF) 15-10.7 Sections Specified Concepts
15-11 (PDF) 15-11 Sections State University and School of Mines
15-12 (PDF) 15-12 Sections State University of Agriculture and Applied Science
15-12.1 (PDF) 15-12.1 Sections Agriculture Experiment Station and Agricultural Research
15-13 (PDF) 15-13 Sections State Normal Schools
15-14 (PDF) NA State Normal and Industrial School [Repealed]
15-15 (PDF) 15-15 Sections School of Science
15-16 (PDF) 15-16 Sections School of Forestry
15-17 (PDF) 15-17 Sections Institutional Holding Associations
15-18 (PDF) 15-18 Sections Junior Colleges
15-18.1 (PDF) 15-18.1 Sections Postsecondary Education Institution Minimum Standards
15-18.2 (PDF) 15-18.2 Sections State Aid for Institutions of Higher Education
15-19 (PDF) 15-19 Sections Distance Education
15-20 (PDF) NA Vocational Education and Rehabilitation [Repealed]
15-20.1 (PDF) 15-20.1 Sections Career and Technical Education
15-20.2 (PDF) 15-20.2 Sections Area Career and Technology Centers
15-20.3 (PDF) NA Postsecondary Education Commission [Repealed]
15-20.4 (PDF) 15-20.4 Sections Postsecondary Educational Institutions
15-21 (PDF) NA Superintendent of Public Instruction [Repealed]
15-21.1 (PDF) NA Chemical Abuse Prevention Programs [Repealed]
15-21.2 (PDF) NA Career Guidance and Development Programs [Repealed]
15-21.3 (PDF) NA Comprehensive Health Education [Disapproved by Referendum]
15-22 (PDF) NA County Superintendent of Schools [Repealed]
15-23 (PDF) NA Organization, Division, and Consolidation of School Districts [Repealed]
15-24 (PDF) NA Common School District Elections [Repealed]
15-25 (PDF) NA Powers and Duties of Common School District Officers [Repealed]
15-26 (PDF) NA School Buildings and Sites [Repealed]
15-27 (PDF) NA Organization and Dissolution of Public School Districts [Repealed]
15-27.1 (PDF) NA Restructuring of School Districts - General Provisions [Repealed]
15-27.2 (PDF) NA Annexation of School Districts [Repealed]
15-27.3 (PDF) NA Reorganization of School Districts [Repealed]
15-27.4 (PDF) NA Dissolution of School Districts [Repealed]
15-27.5 (PDF) NA Military Installation School District [Repealed]
15-27.6 (PDF) NA School District Boundary Restructuring [Repealed]
15-27.7 (PDF) NA School District Cooperative Arrangement [Repealed]
15-28 (PDF) NA Public School District Elections [Repealed]
15-29 (PDF) NA Powers and Duties of Public School District Officers [Repealed]
15-30 (PDF) NA Organization of Independent School Districts [Repealed]
15-31 (PDF) NA Independent School District Elections [Repealed]
15-32 (PDF) NA Powers and Duties of Independent School District Officers [Repealed]
15-33 (PDF) NA School Districts Operating Under Special Laws [Repealed]
15-34 (PDF) NA Compulsory Attendance and Transportation [Repealed]
15-34.1 (PDF) NA Compulsory School Attendance [Repealed]
15-34.2 (PDF) NA Transportation of Students [Repealed]
15-35 (PDF) NA School Buildings [Repealed]
15-36 (PDF) NA Teachers' Certification [Repealed]
15-37 (PDF) NA Teachers' Oaths [Repealed]
15-38 (PDF) NA Teachers' Duties [Repealed]
15-38.1 (PDF) NA Teachers' Representation and Negotiation [Repealed]
15-38.2 (PDF) NA Teachers' Personnel Files [Repealed]
15-39 (PDF) NA Teachers' Insurance and Retirement Fund [Repealed]
15-39.1 (PDF) 15-39.1 Sections Teachers' Fund for Retirement
15-39.2 (PDF) 15-39.2 Sections Teacher Retirement Options
15-40 (PDF) NA State School Aid [Repealed]
15-40.1 (PDF) NA State School Aid [Repealed]
15-40.2 (PDF) NA Transfer of Students and Nonresident Tuition [Repealed]
15-40.3 (PDF) NA Open Enrollment [Repealed]
15-41 (PDF) NA High Schools [Repealed]
15-41.1 (PDF) NA Postsecondary Enrollment Options Program [Repealed]
15-42 (PDF) NA County Agricultural and Training Schools [Repealed]
15-43 (PDF) NA Textbooks and Fees [Repealed]
15-44 (PDF) NA School Funds [Repealed]
15-45 (PDF) NA Kindergartens [Repealed]
15-46 (PDF) NA Adult Education [Repealed]
15-47 (PDF) NA General Provisions [Repealed]
15-48 (PDF) NA Elections to Increase Debt Limits [Repealed]
15-49 (PDF) NA Penalties, Fines, and Forfeitures [Repealed]
15-50 (PDF) NA Trade and Correspondence Schools [Repealed]
15-51 (PDF) NA Board of Education of the City of Fargo [Repealed]
15-52 (PDF) 15-52 Sections State Medical Center
15-53 (PDF) NA Reorganization of School Districts [Repealed]
15-53.1 (PDF) NA Restructuring of Public School Districts [Repealed]
15-54 (PDF) NA Child Nutrition and Food Distribution Programs [Repealed]
15-54.1 (PDF) 15-54.1 Sections University System Capital Building Fund
15-55 (PDF) 15-55 Sections Construction of Revenue-Producing Buildings
15-55.1 (PDF) NA Higher Education Facilities Bonds [Unconstitutional]
15-56 (PDF) NA County Tuition Fund [Repealed]
15-57 (PDF) NA Teacher Preparation Scholarships [Repealed]
15-58 (PDF) NA County High School Equalization Fund [Repealed]
15-59 (PDF) NA Special Education of Children [Repealed]
15-59.1 (PDF) NA County Special Education Program [Repealed]
15-59.2 (PDF) NA Multidistrict Special Education Programs [Repealed]
15-59.3 (PDF) NA Boarding Home Care for Students with Disabilities [Repealed]
15-60 (PDF) NA State School Construction Fund [Repealed]
15-61 (PDF) NA Surplus Property Director [Repealed]
15-62 (PDF) NA Scholarship Loans [Repealed]
15-62.1 (PDF) 15-62.1 Sections Guarantee Loan Program
15-62.2 (PDF) NA Student Financial Assistance and Scholars Program [Repealed]
15-62.3 (PDF) NA Tuition Assistance Grant Program [Repealed]
15-62.4 (PDF) 15-62.4 Sections Student Financial Assistance Program
15-62.5 (PDF) 15-62.5 Sections Scholars Program
15-63 (PDF) 15-63 Sections Native American Scholarships
15-64 (PDF) NA Compact for Education [Repealed]
15-65 (PDF) NA Educational Telecommunications Council [Repealed]
15-66 (PDF) NA Regional Medical Education Board [Repealed]
15-67 (PDF) NA Uniform Management of Institutional Funds Act [Repealed]
15-68 (PDF) 15-68 Sections Indian Cultural Education Trust
15-68.1 (PDF) 15-68.1 Sections American Indian Language Preservation
15-69 (PDF) NA Centers of Excellence [Repealed]
15-70 (PDF) 15-70 Sections Tribally Controlled Community College Assistance
15-71 (PDF) 15-71 Sections Biomass Energy Center
15-72 (PDF) 15-72 Sections Coal Mine Reclamation Trust