Education Committee

Membership Information

Education Committee

Number Of Members:


District 10 | R

District 8 | R
Vice Chairman

District 31 | D

District 12 | D

District 33 | R

District 6 | D

District 15 | R

District 35 | R

District 34 | R

District 26 | D

District 32 | R

District 42 | D

District 24 | D

District 27 | D

District 2 | R

District 25 | R

District 43 | D

District 28 | R

District 15 | R
Committee Studies and Assignments

1400 § 61 Study statutory criteria for the approval of public and nonpublic schools, regulatory criteria for the accreditation of schools, and the consequences to schools and school districts that fail to meet the criteria

1400 § 63 Study longer term elementary and high school closings and student transfers necessitated by the occurrence of widespread or severe damage as a result of any natural or manmade cause, including fire, flood, tornado, storm, chemical spill, and epidemic

3004 Study Indian education issues

3061 Study educational delivery to Indian students, ways to address the unique challenges of that effort, and the feasibility and desirability of utilizing contractual options for state-supported educational delivery

Receive annual report from the Superintendent of Public Instruction by the end of February on the financial condition of school districts (NDCC § 15.1-02-09)

Receive from the Superintendent of Public Instruction the compilation of annual school district employee compensation reports (NDCC § 15.1-02-13)

Receive report from the Statewide Longitudinal Data System Committee on the status of the plan for a longitudinal data system (NDCC § 15.1-02-18)

Receive report from the Superintendent of Public Instruction of a request from a school or school district for a waiver of any rule governing the accreditation of schools (NDCC § 15.1-06-08)

Receive report from the Superintendent of Public Instruction of a request from a school or school district for a waiver of NDCC § 15.1-21-03 (NDCC § 15.1-06-08.1)

Receive from the Superintendent of Public Instruction the compilation of test scores of a test aligned to the state content standards in reading and mathematics, given annually to students in three grades statewide (NDCC § 15.1-21-10)

Receive report from any school district having more than $50,000 excluded in the determination of its ending general fund balance (NDCC § 15.1-27-35.3)

Receive periodic reports from the North Dakota Commission on Education Improvement on its examination of high school graduation requirements, curricular standards, and assessment, and its examination of the measures enacted by the most recent Legislative Assembly to improve student performance and the quality of instruction and its recommendations on future measures for continued improvement (NDCC § 15.1-27-41)

Receive biennial report from the North Dakota Early Childhood Education Council regarding its activities (NDCC § 15.1-37-03)

Receive autism spectrum disorder plan from the Autism Spectrum Disorder Task Force before July 1, 2010, and an annual status report thereafter (NDCC § 50-06-32)

Receive report from the Superintendent of Public Instruction regarding notices received from boards of school districts which determine that providing at least 70 percent of all new money received for per student payments and supplemental operations grants to increase compensation paid to teachers, counselors, and career advisors would result in the school district having insufficient fiscal resources to meet the district's other obligations (2009 S.L., ch. 175, § 51)

Receive report from the Superintendent of Public Instruction compiling information from school districts receiving a one-time supplemental grant for certain uses describing the expenditures, obligations, or other commitments as a result of receiving a grant (2009 S.L., ch. 175, § 52)

Receive report from the Superintendent of Public Instruction's Advisory Committee on Truancy before September 1, 2010, on its review of existing school district policies and responses to truancy and the advisory committee's findings and recommendations (2009 S.L., ch. 174, § 2)